Monday, June 30, 2008

a little of this and that...

Luke spends hours and hours creating "masterpieces" in his art room. Here is my cheap pottery barn inspired organization system. I think Luke's favorite part is that it is out of Drew's reach.

Rin Rin and Uncle Sean invited us over to go out on the boat. Luke kept asking if we were going to take the boat in the pool. I don't think he quite understood.

Drew aka the turtle. His life vest was a little big :)

Drew and Uncle Sean.....ok, how white is Drew???

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Babysitting Baby Jett

We were able to babysit Jett while his Mommy went a wedding and his Daddy was in a golf tournament. My kids were so jazzed to have Baby Jett for the day (and yes, I think he will forever be Baby Jett). After lunch Jett crashed with Uncle John.

When Luke had his first Christmas Uncle Sean thought it would be so funny to get Luke a dolly. Well, look who loves the dolly now.....
Jett is going to be such a good big brother, he loves the babies. (And it looks like Jett will be getting lots of practice in about 8 months......oops, did I just spill the beans? Sorry Erin! :)

Jett kept calling Uncle John "Beeeeeeeee" When he left for the grocery store poor Jett lost it. Looks like Erin found a great male replacement for when Sean leaves for France in a few months.
Jett loved the water table. Loved it! Here he is trying to climb in.

2 favorites...the park and Miss Sarah

The boys have been having a great summer. But there is one thing they both miss, terribly, Miss Sarah. We decided to have a playdate at the park. Luke had been carrying around 3 jellybeans for 2 days because Caleb (Miss Sarah's son) loves red (according to Luke that is). The beans got pretty disgusting. Needless to say, they never made it to Caleb :)

Drew attempting the slide.....the wrong way.

Do you see why he is going to be my first ER visit?

The gang. Miss Sarah is so great she even showed up with snacks. See why Luke loves her so much?

The playdate ended rather quickly when the kids got the bright idea to run through the sprinklers. Drew and Hailey were the only smart ones to not partake in any of this madness.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The poor (last place) Padres

We are die hard Padres fans. I know, disappointing huh? John loves nothing more than watching the ball game with the boys. Drew fell asleep early (even for him) so Luke and John decided to watch the game with some smoothies.

(Notice the hasn't left his side)

2nd inning and already losing.....

Uh oh.

And they lost, again.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sea World Madness!

**Post warning.....TONS of pictures :)**
We are so lucky to be able to have Momo and Papa who spoil our boys. They have a time share and were able to score 2 days in San Diego. So, we headed down for some fun in the sun (freaking hot sun!) at Sea World. The new Bay of Play area opened and Drew and Jett loved the baby pit!

ok, I know this picture is so blurry but I had to post it. It is so, so, Drew. He was exhausted (he missed his nap) so he would stop every few minutes and just lay there. Also, he has a huge obsession with his brother's hats. He loves them. He would waddle around this pit holding on to the cap. Silly boy.
Perking up a bit with a juice box!
We spent a significant amount of time in the carnival/game area. I think Sean and John were trying to outdo each other by winning the bigger prize. Here is Sean, doing his best, to win Jett a Nemo.

Baby Jett with his winning prize. Not wanting Drew to feel left out, John decided to try his hand at basketball to win Drew something......
And Drew with his Nemo. :)
Luke was so excited about all the new Elmo rides. Well, he was really excited until he was time to actually ride them. But, he fought through it and was thrilled that he did. Although he did have a slightly terrified look on his face the entire time.
Momo wanted a pic of her and her grandsons. Easier said then done. Let's just say this.....this is the best pic I was able to capture. :) Erin was able to get a much better one so check her blog in the next few days....
Nope. This one won't work.....

And more of them trying to escape.
ok, lesson learned. Do not try to pose three kids in the middle of Elmoland.
Daddy and Luke

Luke and I awaiting the Shamu Rocks show. Drew had completely passed out at this point. The music was so loud and he didn't even flinch. But true to form, he was up at 5 am the next day.Baby Jett (who is known for being able to party late night style) was wide awake for the show.
And then Luke started teaching him how to really grin for the camera. Wonderful.
Since we had the condo we were able to make Sea World a two day event. We got up bright and early and Luke wanted to lead the way. He held onto that map the entire day. As he is getting older I am realizing it is harder and harder to manipulate him. He began requesting certain attractions that he spotted on the map. I kinda liked it when he was clueless :)
We decided to try the backpack for Drew the second day. He was such a trooper. It was really hot and he just hung out and took it all in.

Our family (beginning to look slightly frazzled) And our last stop, the tidepools.
And, we're out!
We can't wait to go back.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lazy Days

We are officially on vacation mode. Well, I wish our boys would realize that and know that sleeping in is the *best* part of summer. Nope, Drew is a 4am'er and Luke isn't far behind. Someday we will catch up on sleep, right?

Our Operation Big Boy has been a complete success. I know, I know, I shouldn't jinx it too early but we are on day 5 of no accidents (day or night). He is so proud of himself (and we are too!) he tells anyone, ANYONE, that will listen about being a big boy. Since the whole potty training has been a big topic in our house, Drew got in on the action by thumbing through the oldie, but goodie "Everybody Poops". Lovely book. It is so obvious that I live in a household of boys. (and for the record, that outfit is completely Daddy's doing).

This is how we often find Drew. Except, he has no idea how to get down. He just starts to yell for one of us. But he is damn happy when he gets up there :)
Along with the potty training, we are working on teaching Luke some responsibility and he is taking part in some household duties. Here he is...dusting, or swinging it around like a sword at his brother. And he does wear shorts, he just loves showing off those "chonies"
His wife is going to be so happy someday......... (and the best part is that these are not posed, he took his job very seriously)
and enjoying the outdoors...well, we have shorts for this one but no shirt. boys....

there is that face again!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Best Daddy Ever!

In honor of Father's Day I thought I would have a post dedicated to what a great Dad John is. My boys are so lucky. They have the world's best dad. Seriously. He adores his children. It is his best quality (and he is a really good husband too, but he is an even better dad). John's dad passed away when he was 3 years old and I would give anything for him to be able to see John as a daddy. I personally think he would be so proud. Not a moment goes by that he isn't thinking about his boys. They are so, so loved. Here are a few of my favorite pics from the past 3 years.
Holding Luke for the very first time.

and his little Drew, moments after birth.

being silly

turning into Bob the Builder

teaching Luke all about football as soon as he possibly could