Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Markers are for paper faces

So, the other night John was at football and the boys were playing quietly, a little too quietly if you ask me, in the playroom. Well, out comes Drew....yep, red marker all over his face. Unfortuntely it took forever to come off. Oh, and this was his own doing. I asked Luke why he didn't tell him to stop, or come tell me....his response "because it was funny mommy"
(this was his face after multiple scrubbings to get it off and yes, that is blue paint on his ear....that happened at school)


Drew and Luke are so over the camera. Over. It. (Drew's attempt at a mad/sad face)


Luke has had a bit more practice.


I tried to get a pic of them together.......and this is all I got. They were giggling while trying to "hide" underwater. Brillant boys. Oh, and I love that they are at the age of conspiring together.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Drew's First Date

I think Drew has his first official love....
and it all started over a juice box


Kira and Drew (and Luke peeking in on them in the back) :)


Chatting on their "rides"


And getting a bit closer.....
And Luke with Kelsey and Kailey


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Come on already Erin!!

Ok, I have been waiting for Erin to blog these darling pics of her kids that I took last weekend and she has just been a bad blogger--sorry, Rinny, it is true. And since I have the cutest niece and nephew ever...I decided to share them.


How cute is Lila looking at Jett? She adores him...it really is the cutest thing.


And future Abercombie model...or glaring at me because he was OVER picture time.


Check out her blog...she should be putting up more soon. If not, start harrassing her. There is one of Lila and her where they look so much alike. Of course, no pressure Erin.... :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Photography by Luke

As we have seen here and here, Luke loves to take pictures (right in his Papa's footsteps). Well, at the last football game, he was getting a bit bored so decided to "capture" the moment. Um....yeah, storage unit....


A football

His little buddy Drew

and Mommy and Drew


Monday, September 21, 2009

And football has begun!

Even though football really began last week, this is the first week it has been a home game. Needless to say, the boys were PUMPED!!


Drew LOVED the game...he was in heaven. And also loved the "v" and the fight song. Anytime he sees football on tv now, he does a very loud, very big "GOOOO Broncos!!"


Of course, Papa and Uncle Josh spent some quality time together...


Nothing like a little Blackberry TV to distract them from the game.


Luke and his future wife, Coley....he asked me what he needed to do to marry her. He said, "Mommy, will you ask her for me?" Ok, little dude, I don't think any girl is going to say yes to a boy whose mama is that involved!! :)


And I just had to include this one of little Lila....how stinkin cute is she?!?!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

One of my absolute favorite things

Luke loves preschool (although he does still miss Miss Sarah!) and usually runs in the house when we get home to "create" something that he did at school. Since we are deep into football, I think he has been missing his Daddy. He decided to make him some pictures. Of course, he needed an envelope. When he showed it to me, he was very proud of it. He said he wrote Daddy and that is was from Luke. (You can see "Luke" on the righthand side). He told me that TAE was Daddy....now, I am all about phonetic spelling but I just couldn't see it. So, he slowed it down for me.... Tuh-ah-ee...you know "Daddy" say it very slow.........
And here was his tuh-ah-ee
And Mommy got one too.....and no, I am not an "angel" in his eyes...I just wear blue hats :)
(and yes, he is into details...he added bellybuttons, boobies and I have incredibly large feet while John's are quite tiny...) :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sunday morning hike

Papa called Sunday morning and asked if the boys wanted to go for hike. Of course, they are always open to dirt, sticks...and Papa.


Drew found an old rubber hose/pipe thing and you would have thought he found gold. He loved that "stick"


Luke, and his new signature head tilt and stiff smile.


By far my most favorite pic of the day. I truly believe they both think that Papa walks on water.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

.....uh, we hope so!

As his shirt says, we really hope that chicks dig scars...if not, Drew is in trouble :) The latest is from a spill on the rug at preschool. Luckily, 87 bandaids solved the problem.... :)


Sunday, September 6, 2009

A little time with Luke...

So my last post was very Drew heavy so I decided to take some of Luke today. When I saw him on the couch with his all time favorite book, I couldn't resist. We read about Max and those wild things every. single. night.


The other day he was asking me about different names that people get called.. for example, Daddy is Daddy, John, Mr. Files, coach....He was telling me my different names, Sarah, Mommy...and so on. Then he gets a big ol silly grin on his face and says, "But Daddy calls you Baby" and then he just giggled. Silly little boy.

We had a birthday party today for our friends Kelsey and Kailey's little sister, Kira. Since it was a whole lotta girls he told be he needed to wear his "pink shirt" I think he was showing off his muscles to balance out the pink :)
When will a light saber not be part of every single picture event? :)
As you can tell by his face, he was sooo over me taking anymore pictures. Boo..

And here is a silly one of Drew.....Jett was over a week or so ago and found the superhero capes. Well, he snagged Superman and Luke had Batman. Of course, Drew also wanted to be a superhero. Unfortunetly, being the youngest little cousin, he had to sport the pink-and-purple-ice-cream-blanket makeshift cape. Poor, poor Drew. :) The best part, he thought it was oh so cool.....


Yep, he could still run from Luke and Jett....mission accomplished :)
