Here are a few more from our attempt to get a Christmas card photo a week ago. We decided to try this particular spot and after hiking, the heat, and ant attacks we have decided to try somewhere else next time. This was about the only time we could get a good "real" smile out of Drew.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
the little chefs of the house
Sunday, October 18, 2009
and here is one of Drew
Another little sneak peek...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Halloween sneak peek
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Just another day...
So, I tried to take a picture of the boys before preschool the other day. This is all I got. They spotted their best friends (also brothers) Trevor and Troy. Yep, buddies beat mom's camera anyday. Luke is loving school and is starting to write a lot of words (so weird....when did he get this old?!?). I have a feeling John and I's days of spelling things to keep him from understanding what we are talking about, are numbered.
Drew is in hog heaven right now with all this football. He begs to go to the football game everyday...well, either that or Target. In fact, I picked them up the other day and he was the only kid with a football drawn on his forehead and black under his eyes. Silly kid. :) My favorite thing about him right now is when ever anyone is crying (or fake crying :) he says "Its ok, don't cry, I right here" stinkin. cutest. thing. ever.