Thursday, February 24, 2011

Goodbye soccer….hello T-ball!!


We decided to forego soccer this year and try out t-ball.  Here is Luke and his teammate Faith.


Drew is dying for his turn to play sports….next year little dude, next year.


fielding balls….kinda missed the glove :)IMG_1559

I have a feeling he is going to like this more than soccerIMG_1560

and how much do I love that he posed and smiled for the camera before hitting?! HA!IMG_1569

uh oh…..check out Drew with his bat from home…..


Daddy aka coach, giving Luke some tips (and yes, Drew was sent back to the bench with me…)


Slam it big boy!!


this picture makes me so sad….he wants to play so bad….


but then those feelings of sadness pass when little dude gives me these looks…IMG_1574

yep, some how it is mom’s fault that he isn’t 4.


ah screw it…head out there Drew!!  getting some tips from Luke




       …and part of the team huddle…thank goodness Daddy has a little favoritism to let Drew out there….now game days are going to be a different storyIMG_1579

Monday, February 14, 2011

another day….another trip to Disney


The weather has been beyond beautiful so we decided to take a last minute trip to the Happiest Place on Earth….


This little boy was so excited… evidence of the big swag of toothpaste kicking it on his shoulder.  couldn’t WAIT to get out of the house :)IMG_1380

these two are the BEST of buds lately, nothing makes me happierIMG_1384

they hate my  camera :)IMG_1386

Drew baloo giving his Daddy some love…IMG_1389

getting ready to ride the rocketsIMG_1391

see ya mom!IMG_1394

Luke was my driver and was ready for me to put the camera away and get to the fun..IMG_1396

this made John really nervous…he didn’t love the idea of me holding my camera out while flying in a rocket….but i love this because it looks like he is enjoying the rocket all by his lonesome..  :) HA!IMG_1397

….but there is Drew… :)IMG_1399 …and that is all my pics from the trip….I listened to Luke and put my  camera away and had fun!! :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Officially a JEDI….Luke’s life is complete :)


This event needed its very own post.  Luke had spotted this Jedi training on our first day at Disneyland and knew, KNEW he had to do it.  We tried to prepare him that he might not get chosen……but he was convinced that “they” would know how badly he wanted it.  The hopes were high……


We got there early and proceeded to watch Lila entertain us.IMG_1238

The big moment……”PICK ME!!!!” (oh and don’t let Drew fool you, little dude had no interest in participating)IMG_1239

VICTORY!!!  Both Luke and Jett were picked.IMG_1241

I think this was one of the biggest days of his life….IMG_1244

he was a very good student…listened closely to every instruction


Jett on the other hand was DELIRIOUS with happiness. I thought Luke was excited, Jett took it to a whole new levelIMG_1252

although he did have a bit of trouble with the activation :)IMG_1255



Here come the Storm Troopers!! IMG_1266


Getting ready to fight Darth MaulIMG_1273

he was so serious about itIMG_1275

Get em Luke!IMG_1276




Now it was Jett’s turn.  Jett was going to fight Darth Vader…as you can see, he had to be held backIMG_1283

Jett and his idolIMG_1287


See ya bad guys!!!IMG_1299

officially Jedi’sIMG_1308

I am picturing this same picture in 12 years but with his high school diploma…..probably will be the same level of excitement!:)IMG_1317


Thursday, February 3, 2011


We headed out for Day 2.  My too cool little dude.



Rin Rin and Ruby (sportin the Bunch tongue….)IMG_1211

love these two….IMG_1214

whenever drew gets excited he folds his hands in anticipation.IMG_1216

and those hands were all for the Nemo ride….IMG_1219

another fav, the “horsey go round”IMG_1222

a lovely forced smile from LukeIMG_1223

and little JettIMG_1225


um, think the boy is getting tired??IMG_1324


On the last day we stopped for souvenir….this was Drew’s choiceIMG_1338
