our little girl will be joining our family in August. We already love her so much….
I had a conference in Palm Desert so Daddy picked the boys up from school and enjoyed the gorgeous day. :) Nothing like water balloons and sun….
Too bad this wasn’t a sign of things to come….
This proceeded into an all out water war.
So…good times by all, right? WELLL……after the water war, Dad wanted to get them bathed and dinner ready before I came home. Bath time is where everything went downhill. Luke slipped in the tub and got a nasty cut on his chin. I got back into town with a bunch of missed calls and texts. Needless to say I rushed to the ER to see poor Luke. A few hours later we left with 5 stitches in his chin. Luke was very brave….he asked the doctor if he could watch him putting the stitches in. For the record, I had to look away……. :(
I don’t think he was too traumatized…he was a VERY popular kid in kinder the next day! :)
This morning we had Luke’s first t-ball game. He has been so excited for this….until this morning. I don’t know if it was nerves or what but he wasn’t as excited when he woke up. That all changed when we got to the field. Now Drew was excited from the beginning, he got decked out in his Padres stuff…and that was short lived until he didn’t get to play :(
No idea what they are talking about…
Warm-ups….although it looks like they are going to peg each other in the head
We decided Drew should be the ball boy. He was very happy to have a job and to get to be on the field.
yes, I went on the field to take pictures. The best part….he doesn’t care yet :) I am going to take advantage of that as long as possible.
and Drew was so happy for his brother…it was cute :)
so the ball was hit and they ALL went running for it. It got better as time went on…..in the beginning even the batter was running for the ball instead of running to first! :)
Haha…..look how many Dad’s are out there! :) And trust me, they were needed!!!
Good job Padres! (and good job ball boy!)
First game a success…..now we only have a million more….. :)