Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!


One of my favorite days in kindergarten is the Memorial Day Bike Parade.  I have been telling Luke about it for years and he was just as excited when it was finally his turn.  John and Luke tricked out his scooter with loads of red, white and blue.


I asked him to give me a non cheesy grin and this is what I got….. :)IMG_2952

Back to full cheese…..and so damn excitedIMG_2962

The kids ride their bikes through the entire school….as he came around the bend, this was the face I saw…. :(IMG_2972

Of course being the compassionate Mommy that I am, I told him to keep going.  He was crying hard (look at those tear stained cheeks :( but I told him he didn’t want to miss out….he mumbled something about falling down, but I kept saying suck it up buttercup and solider on.  Well……the next time around the bend he told me that his leg really hurt.  Um……I looked down and it was a mess.  He skinned it pretty good.  Oh, the mommy guilt….. :(IMG_2973

It was nothing Miss Nancy in the health office couldn’t fix with 6 band aids.IMG_2975

….and then he was off and riding…. :)IMG_2978

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another day, another Disney trip


For Luke’s birthday we had promised a Disney trip but with Drew getting sick, it got postponed.  We finally made it up there a few Fridays ago.  He was amped.  I think he wrote about it every. single. day in his journal. 


Best friends (and there is nothing better)IMG_2582

My Drew.


We started off in California Adventures to see a Pixar parade. IMG_2586

…and a popcorn snack….IMG_2589

Rin Rin and crew decided to join us and of course, Lila was our entertainment.  :)IMG_2593


It wasn’t really a parade but more of a show, that Luke got chosen for.  Almost, but not quite, as big of a deal as being in the Jedi show.  Oh, and since he had been dreaming about this trip all week, he had also made a sign to hold up in case we went to the Star Wars show again.  The sign said, “This is my bruther” with an arrow pointing.  Not sure that would help him get picked but it was cute :)






The little crewIMG_2625

Off to check out the Soaring ride, Luke’s FAVORITE ride of all time.  IMG_2632

Little Lila and Uncle JohnIMG_2638


Drew and Ruby, sharing some snacksIMG_2650

Don’t ask because I have no ideaIMG_2655

A ride favoriteIMG_2657

Love, love, love.IMG_2662

Momo and Ruby….who obviously loves her :)IMG_2665

and a Disneyland first….the kids in a row by themselves…IMG_2669

There are no words….


Luke, someday you are going to hate these….but for now? I am going to love every second of your imagination (if that is what you call it :)


But really?  There are no words.  None.IMG_2579

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back to normal


After our loong week with a sick little Drew, he bounced back about as quickly as he got sick.

He didn’t eat for almost a week.  When he started feeling better, he didn’t stop eating…..starting with a chocolate bar from Papa at 8 in the morning.


Then it was off to play catchIMG_2564


curve ball? :)IMG_2570

He was so happy to be feeling betterIMG_2575

I will be so sad, SO SAD when he stops doing this…..this is his version of “I love you” in sign language and he flashes it to me, all. the. time.IMG_2576

….and the count down is on to the magic age of 4 where he can join sports…IMG_2577

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Mommy’s Day


We have had a crazy last couple of weeks.  We haven’t gotten to Luke’s birthday post because poor Drew was so, so sick.  In fact, Luke’s actual birthday was spent at Ethan’s (which he LOVED) because we had to take Drew to the hospital.  I missed all week of work but came on Friday just for the kinder mothers day show.  It was so worth it! 

Luke is in the top row with the moving hands…


All the kinders…IMG_2544

Picture (taken by Momo) of me and my boy.  I loved him more this week and how understanding he was more than ever.  IMG_2548

Sharing his gifts with me….IMG_2550

There are no words……IMG_2555

He makes me so happy and there is nothing better than that.  Nothing.IMG_2556

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Easter


The boys loot


They were half asleep but begging to go downstairsIMG_2349

Big ol chocolate bunniesIMG_2350

Drew is obsessed with snails.  Obsessed with the nasty little things…..the Easter Bunny came through with his own (stuffed, non slimy one) IMG_2353



And then to Momo’s….I took advantage of little Ruby giving me a rare grinIMG_2365

Luke’s bestieIMG_2366

My DrewIMG_2371


Checking out the loot at Momo’sIMG_2378

Uncle Josh’s birthday happened to be on Easter too…..but little Lila thought it was HER big day :)IMG_2389

Go for it Lila :)IMG_2393

Ruby partaking in cake well before her first birthday….an Owens traditionIMG_2396

Off for the egg hunt (ignore Drew’s outfit choice…right when we got to Momo and Papa’s the boys decided to go exploring and somehow both of my kids ended up very muddy….)IMG_2397


He refused to run with a basket or bag….IMG_2412

Love her…..even if she doesn’t love me yet….IMG_2415

Drew stopping the candy chaos to check out…what else? a snail





Kel and EthanIMG_2429


My boysIMG_2438


Forced smiles are never as cute but I will take what I can getIMG_2440


the youngest (for a little bit longer) and the oldestIMG_2445


Rin Rin wanted me to take a pic of her kids…..this is the best we could do.  They were ready to eat more candy.IMG_2461