First grade has been a lot of fun so far…..and a lot of projects :) This week the kids had a hat parade. Now, if you know Luke, you know that he had GRAND ideas about what he wanted his hat to look like. Picture exploding rockets, lights, dueling light sabers….just about as over the top as you can get. Soooo, I told John since I do nightly homework with Luke, this bad boy would be his project. :)
His buddy Colie rocking her pink cowboy hat
and Luke in his LEGO hat. :) Now, this project was due on a Monday. By Sunday afternoon John and Luke did not have any hats started. So, we decided to go with a hat that looked like a LEGO. After hot gluing the thing together (and it was a sturdy little hat!) we got to school the next day and poor Luke smashed the hat in the car door. Luckily, his teacher came to the rescue with more hot glue :) and then he added stickers all over the place. :)