Sunday, April 28, 2013

Christmas pics

With multiple photographers in the family you would think I could decent Christmas pictures.  Nope.  I think it is too many kids! :)

Luke (who was in DESPERATE need of a haircut!)

My Drew.

Sassy little sissy

John and his favorite little girl

My three.....

Papa trying to convince me he was getting good shots.

I don't know what I would do without this boy in my life.

Then we tried to get a decent shot of the grandparents and all the kids.  Fail. Over and over again.

Chaos.  But seriously, look at Jett.  How stinking cute is that?  Those two love each other.

The best we could get.

The Owens Family, Nikki, Eli, Josh and Ben

Ben and his Daddy

These two are almost getting too cool for all of this....

Momo and Papa

yep, a big fail on our family

The cute boy cousins (minus Eli)

Papa and Ben

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nick's big day

Nick, also known as Drew's own personal hero, finally had National Signing Day where he signed a full scholarship to Colorado State.  We were SO PROUD of him.  We can't wait to become Ram fans :)

Nick signing his letter of intent with other scholarship athletes.

Nick and Sua (who is USC bound)

A huge group of kids all getting full rides.  

The Stevens Family

and their honorary member :)

This little boy is going to miss him so much!

Christmas Eve aka Christmas CHAOS! :)

Better late than never, right??!

Christmas Eve was the tradition of Momo and Papa's and cousin craziness.  Just the way we like it!

I LOVE that this is going to be such a strong memory for my kids.  They love it here.  

Matt and Debra

Drew and Jett, officially BFF's.

Rin Rin and little Ruby

Beautiful Raquel.

My crazy little family

The newest member, Eli.

The goal every year is to get a pic with Momo and Papa and all the grandkids.  Ummmm.....


Luke, Ethan and Jett

Papa and a couple of his favorites, Lila and Ben

Now the kids in their matching pj's.  Wait, missing Ruby...

There she is but Charlotte looks THRILLED.

Notice how Luke knows the drill....just smile at the camera and ignore everything else :)

Oh forget it.