It can sometimes be a small battle for Luke to eat. Anything. He is just too busy to sit and take the time to eat. Of course, if it is "goldfish, ralioli (ravioli), grilled "sanmwich", eggos, railoli again, ralioli some more, and ralioli again" he will eat it. (Ok, I just asked him what his favorite things to eat are and that is word-for-word what he just said.....hmmm, we rarely eat "ralioli". Bizarre. Anyway :) we have really been trying to make him try other things and not be so picky. Here is our attempt to have him eat steak.......
***And Drew was injury free today. Woot woot!! The lip still looks beyond nasty but he is a trooper and it hasn't even fazed him. Here he is (prior to "the fall")....I am sure I am biased, but damn. so. dang. cute. ;)
1 comment:
What is it with our boys hating the idea of eating?! Geez, wish I had that problem sometimes!
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