Thursday, April 29, 2010

5 years old…

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Our sweet Luke…I have asked so many times in the past few days to please stay 4. Don’t grow up….but that isn’t happening. You are growing and growing and growing and most of all you are growing into an amazing boy.

You make us laugh with your silly faces and corny jokes. You are dramatic, funny, and kind….oh so kind. It is probably your most admirable quality. You are loving and affectionate. Not a day passes without a million “I love you’s” kisses and hugs. I dread the day that you are “too cool” for that. But, I have secret hopes that that won’t happen. 

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You love Star Wars and action heroes. In fact, just the other day you told me that you can’t wait to grow up and become a super hero. You love to read and write and our house is covered in notes and letters. You are so artistic. This family picture is one I will treasure forever. And it is so you to put our hearts on the outside of our bodies.

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I think I’m most proud of how well you look after your brother (most of the time :) You give into almost every one of his demands…especially if you know that will make us happy. You are changing everyday and I just want to stop and bottle it up. I want to remember every moment of you struggling to read, of the look in your eyes when you run out onto the soccer field, the sleepy look in your face when you walk into our room in the morning, the look of determination when you try something new. All of these moments are going by too fast.

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I love, love, LOVE that you want nothing more for your birthday than a date with Mommy and Daddy. You want to go have chocolate milk at Starbucks, a movie and popcorn for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You would rather this than a party with your friends or toys. I am going to treasure every single moment of that day.

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We have big dreams for you little man…and I bet you will exceed them all. I pray that you never lose direction. You have such a pure, sweet heart. I pray that you never lose sight of that and remain kind to the less fortunate and continue to see other’s pain before your own. I pray that the world “gets” you…that you encounter kindness and grace every step of the way. I so badly want to protect your heart…you asked me the other day about bad people and that if you ever saw one you would tell them to listen to Jesus and not do bad things. Please keep that innocence.  And I truly believe you will change this world….

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We want to grow up and be just like YOU. We love you, our first little 5 year old… the moon and back.

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Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the endless journey….


Sunday morning we decided to take a hike with our favorite neighbors.  Luke and Drew were so excited to see real animals (like lions and tigers!)…we ended up seeing birds and caterpillars, but same thing, right?!? :)  I think Luke was more excited that his best buddy Kaiden was going.  I have pictures of the two of them since they were itty bitty at football games.  I hope they are always the best of friends.

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Drew trailed along with Daddy.  He ended up on Daddy’s shoulders because we walked close to 4 miles.  4-16 012

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John said that he has similar pictures of him (shirtless and ookey I was thinking :)  when he was a kid in Oklahoma :)4-16 023

it wouldn’t be a real family adventure if it didn’t have a little of Drew’s “perfect pout” at some point.  but man oh man, i love the gut :)

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seriously, he got so big when?  and how is he almost 5?  that literally happened overnight…..4-16 034

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Making political activists out of children :)

Our district is currently in impasse with our union.  Over 3 measly days.  I am very hopeful that it will be resolved soon, especially because I am one of the pink-slipped teachers.  :(  The parents and students have been rallying around the teachers.  Of course, in true Raquel form, she was on the front lines from the very beginning.

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in front of the school…4-15 006

Even Ethan took part!!4-15 009


My student, Katelyn4-15 013

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Not a car went through the parking lot that didn’t hear about it from a parent or student.  4-15 017

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Welcome to the family Auntie Nikki!

This has been a long time coming but Josh and Nikki finally tied the knot. :)  We had such a great time, which was of course, documented with a million pictures.  Expect a few more of these posts…

Ethan and Luke at the rehearsal dinner

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The happy couplejoshandnikki 027

Um, Rin Rin… might want to watch your daughter a little closer…..joshandnikki 035

As I have said before, Luke loves Lila.  He dotes on her all the time.  Here he was trying to go in for a kiss….joshandnikki 036

um, erin………joshandnikki 037

….uh…..nice tongue lila!

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The groom and his best man.  Check out those shirts!!

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and the big day…..Luke looking oh so handsome!joshandnikki 048


and nothing like some Star Wars figurines to keep them quietjoshandnikki 051

Drew’s oh so cheesy smile

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and my handsome groom ;)joshandnikki 056

Luke’s gift to the couplejoshandnikki 061

So stinkin cutejoshandnikki 066

Poor Drew decided today was the day that he wasn’t going to nap.  Thanks Drew.  :(joshandnikki 070

There is a BIG reason that little Lulu loves her auntie so much.  One word: CHOCOLATE :)joshandnikki 076

Being introduced.  Yes, Luke wore the shades the majority of the night.  And what you can’t see….Drew directly behind Jett scared out of his little mind. :(joshandnikki 078

i think it was a bit too loud for this guest!joshandnikki 080

Momo, tearing up at Josh’s speech.joshandnikki 083

Luke tried to interrupt Uncle Josh during his speech to make sure he knew that he had made him a gift.  joshandnikki 084

ok, this looks cute and innocent huh?  Two cousins, having a grand ol time….joshandnikki 098

oh Lila, you silly girl…..joshandnikki 099

oh…wait just a second Lila, this aint so fun anymorejoshandnikki 100

give. it. to. me!!joshandnikki 102

oh, but wait, come back here sissy…..or watch out i might light saber you in the head (either of these thoughts could be going through Drew’s head :)joshandnikki 103

The rascally crewjoshandnikki 110

Jett, partying it up!joshandnikki 162

Uncle Josh and Drew (who apparently hit up the photo booth prop bucket)joshandnikki 167

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Luke had a perma grin on all night.  I honestly think this was the most fun he had ever hadjoshandnikki 182

see, lovin it!joshandnikki 183

unusual dance moves though!joshandnikki 184

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  Now, remember how i said Drew cried while being introduced?  He got over that shyness real fast.  Here he is in front of the entire dance floor getting down with the DJ :)joshandnikki 193

The beautiful bridejoshandnikki 195

Break dancingjoshandnikki 201

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love him.

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and the garter toss…

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Luke looks like he is really wanting to catch it

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until he touched it and threw it right back to josh.  smart boy :)

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so sweet of Jett

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Josh and Nikki had pictures on each table of them dressed as famous couples.  As the night progressed, Luke decided he wanted a couple of these….

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he went to EVERY table asking for these pictures

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and even though this picture is blurry, i love it because he was so dang thrilled about his luck! :)

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and more dancing with pretty girls…

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            and does this boy not look b.e.a.t?!  he was sooo tired but had the best time ever.

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Congrats again Uncle Josh and Aunt Nikki!!!  We are so happy for you!!!!