Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter 2010!


How is it already Easter?!  It seems like I was just posting about Christmas.  The boys were super excited about dyeing eggs this year.  4-3 003

but posed for a pic for me before the madness….4-3 010

I tried my luck at getting one more without Drew’s goofy grin but this one wasn’t much better. :)4-3 012

yep, Drew tried out the dye. I would have thought the smell of vinegar would have turned him off….. nope.

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  and the finished product.  they have since been star-war’ed stickered up.4-3 019

and the bunny came!  Drew started telling everyone that he couldn’t wait for the bunny to bring him this movie.  but he started saying this YESTERDAY after the “bunny” had finished all the shopping.  apparently i-um-i mean the bunny, needed one more trip to target. but his excitement was sooo worth it :)4-3 028

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they got this big when?!?!4-4 002

Lila-lou with her shades—the girl loves accessories!4-4 010

My favorite boys4-4 023

a rare family picture4-4 025

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Ethan, “smiling” for me :)4-4 031

ok, so Jett and Drew love each other (on most days)  Rin Rin swears that Drew was going in for the big hug/kiss on this one…, the photos beg to differ……

here he is not so sure of Jett’s advances….

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…wait, still got my chocolate….4-4 038

…ok, i love you jett…..4-4 039

….and jett really loves him too :)4-4 043

off to another egg hunt4-4 085

John, teaching future baseball pro Ethan the finer points.

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and what would a family holiday be without a lot of wrestling

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Luke, attempting to break it up….or encourage the chaos!

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Uncle Josh and his mini me4-4 058

Raquel, counting down the days till Lila can really chat and roll her eyes at all the boys with her.4-4 068

so, so, so happy.4-4 075

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Luke looks SO tall! Great pictures, Sarah! Drew is looking so much like you now:)