Monday, June 21, 2010

Play date with our besties

Lila…who had double dipped numerous times in the veggie dip. But really, can you fault someone that this cute?!


And here she was eating from each of the boys plates.  Love how she can hold her own.IMG_8407

Drew wasn’t a fan of the chips and sandwich….he is a HUGE fruit lover.  When I came to bring him more, he preferred the bowl.  IMG_8415

Best buds.  IMG_8419

Luke looks greasy because of the tons of sunscreen I put on himIMG_8424

still only 1 looking at the camera…IMG_8426

yep, fail as always… day we will get a good shot :)IMG_8429

Luke, always a ham….he was showing me an action shot of what he was going to be doing on the slip-n-slideIMG_8431

Lila, rockin the cowboy boots and bloomersIMG_8433







1 comment:

Evelyn said...

great shots, Sarah! You just get better and better:)