Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Daddy’s favorite season (FOOTBALL season!)

I have been a horrid blogger but with good reason… started up and I am asleep by 8:30.  Give me a few weeks and we will back to the swing of things :)  And I know, I know….my photo a day blog is missing a lot of days…I will catch up, eventually :)

About a week before school started, we dropped everything and headed off to the beach for the day.  I don’t have any pics because I left my camera at home.  On the way home we heard that the Chargers were opening their practice at the Q.  We ran home, showered, changed and headed back to SD. 

Teaching Luke and Drew the finer points of tailgating :)


Drew was so excited.  He loves to wear jerseys and anything and everything football.  He makes his daddy proud :)IMG_0843

Luke, the photographer IMG_0847

Drew’s eyes were HUGE when we got in there.  We were able to get as close to the field as possible.  IMG_0850

Luke brought his (fake) binoculars :)IMG_0854





John was in heaven…..wonder where Drew gets it :)


Love, love, love them



Drew loved watching the D Line drills.  He kept yelling “Hi Chargers… Hi!!!!!”IMG_0923

The big boys.IMG_0930

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