Sunday, October 31, 2010

The many faces of little Lila lou

The other night we went to Momo’s and Lulu let me take a few pictures of her. 

At first she was curious…


then wanted to pose….IMG_7843

then started to ask me (aka “santie”) for lipgloss…IMG_7844

which of course I whipped right out of my pocket.  but seriously, the girl knows no limits in make-up applicationIMG_7845

but it makes her happy and that is all that matters!IMG_7846

love, love, love her!!IMG_7812

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Luke’s Small World

Our school had the Fall Showcase this past week.  The theme was “We are the World”.  The kinders performed “It’s a Small World”.  We asked the parents to dress their kiddo in clothing that represented their heritage.  Luke dressed up like a cowboy (hey, John’s family is from Oklahoma).  Here he is with his buddies Lowell and John.


He was so SO excited about this….until he saw the MPR was beyond packed.  This is his nervous face.IMG_7789



(and no, that is not Drew in the show, although someday it may be hard to convince him that his heritage does not include the Chargers) :)IMG_7804

Luke looking for his Daddy and Momo in the crowd.  IMG_7808

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pumpkin patch time!

Luke has been asking, every single day, when we were going to go to the pumpkin patch.  Of course, he was talking about one of those ghetto parking lot patches.  Not my idea of fun.  So, we headed out to Peltzer Farms. 



I think they are beginning to hate my camera… :)



This is Luke’s ghost face…IMG_7700

I know this is goofy, but I love it!IMG_7702

and this is Drew’s new face.  IMG_7704

Yep, there it is again….IMG_7705

Me and my lovesIMG_7708

The little pumpkins (and yes, I know that they aren’t pumpkins) that Drew loved IMG_7781

One of the cutest pumpkins in the patch


Luke gets very protective of Drew lately…there was a girl on the other end of this trailer.  Luke thought she was getting too close.  oh and that Drew might fall the foot and half to the ground :)



yes, that would be Drew…




The corn maze was the boys favorite part.  We did this about 10 times. 



Another dead end….IMG_7730

This way (doesn’t look posed at all, right?!)IMG_7732


I know it is blurry but it is that dang face again!IMG_7739




This was Drew’s favorite….he could have stayed on this forever.IMG_7750

no idea what Luke is all aboutIMG_7753



Drew and his lil pumpkinIMG_7759

my little animal lover loved the petting zoo….IMG_7762

…and my little neat freak loved washing his hands right after (again, a blurry one but so him)IMG_7774

and nothing says fall and pumpkins like shrek ice cream, right?! :) IMG_7780

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The redemption game

The Broncos last game of the season ended like this….a loss to the Pumas in the CIF finals.  It was a long off season and John had been looking forward to the rematch this year.  Well, Fox Sports also decided it was a big game and they came out to film it. 


We had to get to the game about 2 hours before it started….you know, to beat the crowds and all :)  This gave the little boys plenty of time to practice being like the big boys.  Luke got whacked in the face but luckily Momo was right there to love on him.IMG_7632


No rain this year!! :)IMG_7646

Drew and his buddy Dylan




Luke, rockin the Bronco gearIMG_7641

  Right before the game started, Drew had to see his Daddy.  I think he gave him a good pep talk :)





The world famous Bronco Bleacher Creatures!


Yep! Not in our house this year…..we had a big win of 45-17!
