Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Daddy is more fun than Mommy

Last Saturday John decided he was going to paint Drew’s room.  I was downstairs and it was getting awfully quiet……I thought the boys were playing.  Um……  Apparently, John thought they should help.  Seriously?


They thought it was the coolest.IMG_8155

And I am the one that is known as the fun spoiler.  Dude, I just wanted to take a picture!!IMG_8158



And they had to be in “character” with the white trash t-shirts and everything.  Just like Daddy. HA! :)IMG_8161


For the record, they didn’t spill any and it came out beautiful :)IMG_8165

1 comment:

Braden Matthew Johnson said...

I will not be showing this post to Braden...we are painting his room and I told him he can't paint until he's 20 :)