Monday, January 3, 2011

Luke’s “share”

Every Tuesday is Luke’s share day.  The majority of the time he brings a toy or picture….or quickly runs to my room and grabs something out of my purse if he forgets :)  Well he has been asking for weeks to bring Drew as his “share”  On the day before Christmas break I had brought Drew to spend the day and Luke finally got to share his “favorite thing” :)


It was seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen.IMG_0066

The kids had the option to ask a question or share a comment.  The majority of the comments were, “I like your brother” or “he is cute” :)IMG_0067

Drew was a bit embarrassed about it…BUT loved the attentionIMG_0068


Luke asked Drew if he wanted to say anything…..Drew said “football”  of course. "IMG_0070

1 comment:

Kelly and Chris said...

OMG - that is the CUTEST story and the best photos ever!!! That makes we want another little boy. I could only hope they would love each other as much as your boys love each other.