Thursday, February 24, 2011

Goodbye soccer….hello T-ball!!


We decided to forego soccer this year and try out t-ball.  Here is Luke and his teammate Faith.


Drew is dying for his turn to play sports….next year little dude, next year.


fielding balls….kinda missed the glove :)IMG_1559

I have a feeling he is going to like this more than soccerIMG_1560

and how much do I love that he posed and smiled for the camera before hitting?! HA!IMG_1569

uh oh…..check out Drew with his bat from home…..


Daddy aka coach, giving Luke some tips (and yes, Drew was sent back to the bench with me…)


Slam it big boy!!


this picture makes me so sad….he wants to play so bad….


but then those feelings of sadness pass when little dude gives me these looks…IMG_1574

yep, some how it is mom’s fault that he isn’t 4.


ah screw it…head out there Drew!!  getting some tips from Luke




       …and part of the team huddle…thank goodness Daddy has a little favoritism to let Drew out there….now game days are going to be a different storyIMG_1579

1 comment:

Debby said...

Their grandfather and great-grandfather were very good with a ball and bat. Aunt Debby could hit a wicked low flyer between 2nd and 3rd base. Loves to all and keep your eye on the ball.
Aunt Debby