Monday, June 20, 2011

Goodbye Kindergarten, HELLO 1st grade!!


I can’t believe it.  Luke’s kinder year is over and it went WAY TOO FAST.  I have absolutely loved having him in kinder and am so so sad it is over.  The last day of school was their kinder “graduation”.  The morning was spent at the Soaring Spirit assembly…IMG_3118

Ethan was honored for Author of the Month, clearly he was thrilled :)IMG_3120

Some of the teachers after performing a footloose songIMG_3124


Waiting to perform with his buddy ParkerIMG_3129

About five minutes before Luke was about to go on stage he started bawling.  I asked him what was wrong and he was DEVASTATED that Rin Rin wasn’t there yet…..little did he know that not only was she there but little Lila was entertaining the crowd of waiting parents….


stay little my boy.  please.


Mrs. Harbour introduced each of her students by saying what they wanted to be when they grew up.  We had a slew of teachers, army men, cops……but my son, he wants to be a Jedi. :)IMG_3156

Getting ready to dance to High School Musical…..striking a pose.IMG_3177


a little off here but thats ok….IMG_3193

The group number.  And yes, Lila stayed front and center the whole time :)IMG_3205

and Luke ate. it. up.  He loves her.IMG_3207


Performing the big number……we are leaving for 1st grade!!!!IMG_3232




Luke and Mrs. HarbourIMG_3239


Me and my boy.  I love him.  He is off to 1st grade and oh so ready.  He is reading everything in sight, loves math, has made oodles of friends…yes, he is ready but this momma, not so much…..IMG_3241

1 comment:

Bry said...

this brought tears to my eyes remembering sammy's end of year kinder performance! congrats on having 1st grader!!! and at abby's preschool grad everyone wanted to be teachers, army men, vets, but nope abby wants to be "an ear piercing doctor" whatever that is ;) have a great summer!