Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bronco basketball

We are quickly coming to the end of basketball so I figured I better get some pictures up!

Sissy and Daddy before a BIG game. She rocked the basketball sweatshirt that I had a friend bling up. And as we say, the bigger the bow, the bigger the game!! :)

Blurry but oh well...she is still cute :)

The boys
As you can see from the score board, it didn't start off in the Bronco's favor...
But some fired up coaches helped lead their team to VICTORY!!!
Of course these boys enjoyed the game....and some iPods :)

Wiped out from all the action (I found out a day or two later that little girl had a raging double ear infection :( Poor Charlotte....
Ben ALWAYS enjoys a good basketball game! (Even though that face doesn't seem like it)

Way to go Broncos!!!

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