Thursday, March 1, 2012

The day Drew has waited for his whole entire life

Drew has spent two looooong years watching his brother play sports and waiting for that golden year of 4 years old to be able to play too. We thought he was going to have to pick from baseball or soccer because flag football was only for kindergarten or older. Well, Papa had the great idea that I should just lie about his age (and let people think he was just really small). :) I didn't do that....but I did found out (way too late) that pre-k's could be in football. So, after throwing John under the bus and offering to have him coach, they granted a late addition and let Drew in. (and a few weeks later, Erin was able to wrangle a spot for Jett. On the same team. :)
Winning all the way around.

Little Duder was SO HAPPY. Totally worth it :)

Last Friday was Opening Night. The boys slept in their jerseys and wore them to school.
Little Charlotte just tried to stay warm all night.

Luke and Drew before their big night

I love love love them.

As soon as the players started showing up, Drew sprung into action. He wanted to relive every.single.moment. that he has seen of Bronco football.

Jett showed up and I don't think Drew's life has ever been better :)

because all football players hug hello, right?!

Lila was ready to cheer on those Chargers...bring on the pom poms!

One requirement of flag football is a mouth piece. The kids have a hard time with this. Poor Jett gagged on his all night. This picture was a reoccurring theme. Poor kid.

John had to take a quick picture with Luke because he had to miss his game. His Broncos were in the quarterfinals of CIF and he had to go back to the gym. (Luke was sporting his basketball shirt under his jersey)


check out the kids and those damn mouthpieces!!!

pregame greeting and coin flip. Drew left the group to come running to me to tell me that we won the flip. Starting strong little man. happy!

And the Chargers are off!! Sadly....this was one of the only bright moments. I think the other team had some 5th graders on the team. Actually, they did really well for their first time playing.

Drew making sure the ball gets to the QB.


Halftime also means getting to run through the banner. Now this is something that Drew has seen a million times and he was AMPED. (check out his face....he knew EXACTLY what to do. :)

Go Chargers!! :)

Someone is missing from the huddle :)
And back in action!

Drew's on defense (and John was particularly proud of his stance on this one

Jett was having a hard time when his mouthpiece fell on the ground. He is more like Luke than I thought :)

Jett and Bailey

Congratulating the Lions on a great game. Can't wait until next week!!

Moments after Drew's game was over, we settled in to watch Luke's team.

Momo was there trying to keep little Charlotte warm. It was FREEZING.

Luke taking the handoff and running up field

Check out that speed! :))

I know this is blurry but I thought it was so SO Drew that he found some Lions players when Luke was playing and had to chat them up. I asked him later what he was talking about....he said the game. Of course.

It was a great opening night. Looking forward to a bunch more Friday nights just like it :)

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