Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Charlie girl!!

I can't believe how fast this year is going.....

Here is Charlotte's 7 month pic...and a few out takes :)

Marley is never far behind Charlotte. They both love each other. And I have never seen a more patient dog. Sissy climbs all over her, pulls at her...and the silly dog just lays there. Cutest thing ever.


she is VERY pleased with her new skills of sitting and army crawling. She also does this weird semi crab walk thing. Crazy girl.


I mean come on, how cute is that face?!!!???



And the oldest kid in the house. Um, yeah he isn't 14 yet but dang he looks like it!! In Vegas he really wanted to get a "flat hat" like his friends. We found one and he was so so happy....I think he even wore it to bed :)

And another one of my girl...


and the crazy one in the middle!!! :))



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