Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Luke...and the big 7!!!


Once again, you chose a birthday date with dad and I instead of a party. It ranks up there with my most favorite times of the year. I love this uninterrupted time with you. We kicked it off with a trip to Starbucks. You are getting so much bigger....and older. "flat hats", cool clothes and popular music are all things you are loving. (...and everyday your "shufflin".....)

You are this amazing kid with a heart of gold. You are sensitive and cautious. Wild and crazy. You have turned into a ferocious reader. You have been finishing Big Nate and Goosebumps books in just a couple of days. You aren't as competitive as your little brother, but I did see Dad rig the game at Starbucks just so you could win. You hate to lose. So maybe you are more like Drew than I thought ;)


And your dad, he has quickly become your favorite person. And I think you are his. You guys spend time every night dreaming of Lego creations and talking about who knows what....definitely things you don't share with me! But I love love LOVE hearing you two whisper at night. So silly.


This year has been one of losing teeth and that last little bit of babyhood. It is going by way too fast. But I am also realizing how much fun it is to see the world through those big brown eyes of are a dreamer. You think about things like what we would do if we were flying in space...

...or what it would be like if gravity didn't exist. Or the question yesterday was what if we lived in the north pole. And in that little moment I realized I still see some of my little boy ;) the north pole was directly related to how great it would be to live so close to Santa.


I hope you always know that we are your biggest fans. You have brought oodles and oodles of joy to our lives.


And boy oh boy, do I love your little face. :)

We love you so much Luke. I think 7 might be the best year yet!!!

We love the moon and back!!!

(and here are a few more pics from your day)...





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