Saturday, August 30, 2008

Is it the terrible THREE's??

The 2's were a breeze. Luke never really threw major temper tantrums, I never had to drag him out of a store screaming--basically he listened. He was very easy. Well, that has been changing the past few weeks. It isn't that he is not listening. He just has suddenly realized that he is the oldest. He thinks he can take toys from his younger brother (and cousin). It is quite the little battle in our house. Although, the interesting part is Luke is brutally honest. Seriously, he tattles on himself. For example, on Friday we were driving home from Miss Sarah's and he proceeds to tell me that he had a little fun in the bathroom with the soap. He said "Momma I was trying to clean the walls and the wall up there (um, the ceiling?) and I just squirted it and squirted it. Miss Sarah said No more soap, Luke" We had quite the little talk when we got home about how to wash his hands and that Miss Sarah doesn't need any help "cleaning" the bathroom.
His least favorite spot in the house, time out. After he was put in time out he told me, "Momma, I chilled out." Yeah little dude, you needed too. :)
I told him he need to share his cars with Drew. He was really thinking about which one he was willing to part with..... :)

Waiting for Daddy to get home. They live for him to walk in the door.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Ollie Dive.....

Luke loves little Ollie Dive. Much to John's dismay, Drew now has an obsession with Dora. He has been walking around the house saying "dor-uh". It is too cute. Last night at Target I thought he really needed a Dora doll. I held back from actually getting him a Dolly and got him a bath toy. As you can see, he loved it. Interestingly, John had the boys playing basketball and baseball in the house tonight. Hmmm........nothing like a little sports with Daddy to make them drop those "dolls"!! :)

This is how Luke came down the stairs tonight. Think his hands are a little full?? Oh, and I am really trying to talk him out of being Woody for Halloween. He was Woody last year so I really think we need something new. So, now he wants to be Buzz Lightyear. Can't we move out of the Toy Story theme?

Monday, August 25, 2008


Drew is getting a bit more assertive with Luke and his "territory" He has mastered a scream like no other when Luke comes anywhere near his toys. He also has learned what is Luke's most important possession (the blanket) and steals it every chance he gets. He took it all to a whole new level last night. Check it out.

Yep, look closely........
I am sure this is just the beginning of life with two boys. :)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Family Day

John has been super busy with football lately, so we decided to make Sunday our family day. I had the (not so) brillant idea to go walk around Old Town Temecula. We learned very quickly that it was way too hot for this little outing. :( Maybe next time!
This is how Luke tried to leave the house, Bob the Builder glasses and all. We quickly vetoed that idea.
The biggest hit of the day was the .50 cent pinwheels.

Poor Drew, right after I put sunscreen on him, he proceeded to rub some in his eyes. He had watery, red eyes the rest of the day.
But it was nothing that a chocolate shake couldn't cure! He love, love, loved this shake. In fact, he wouldn't even look me in the eyes...probably in fear that this drink would be taken out of his hot little hands!
Trying to get a picture of the two of them not easy.
Luke moved around to the other side and Drew screamed....he got way to close to the shake.

Our next adventure will need to be some place a bit cooler.......

Friday, August 22, 2008

The joy of chocolate lollipops

One of my students brought me some chocolate lollipops a few days ago. I mentioned it to Luke and of course, the child remembers EVERYTHING and kept asking me to bring some home. I gave them to them in the car. Big Mistake. Huge! Who knew a lollipop could be so messy?
(and sidenote to Erin-the carseat guru, I had already started to clean Drew and pulled the chest strap down, it is normally much higher :)
It was everywhere. Look at his hands! Luke was laughing so hard on the way home at the way Drew looked. In fact he begged me to go by the football field so that Daddy could see just how silly Drew was.
Luke was neater, but not by much!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pretty pretty.....princess??!?!

As we all know, Drew loves to climb. Well, every morning he climbs on my table. He use to just giggle at himself in the mirror. So, now he has started to try and imitate Mommy. Here he is--as serious as ever--putting on a pink sparkle headband. Oh, how he is going to hate these pictures when he gets older.

And the end result. :) He walked around for quite awhile with the headband kicking it on his head, just like that. Silly boy.
On a much different note, Drew has lost his beloved bear. He loved that bear as you can see here and here. We have looked everywhere. Luckily, his dog obsession has let us easily replace bear. And yes, he is still in a pack and play. Little Houdini hasn't figured out a way to get out of this one. At least yet. :)
And just a little funny about Luke, he has a new favorite in the car I told him that he was making me laugh. He said, "Thanks for saying that, Mom" And just for the record, I am not ready for "Mom" yet. I still want to be "Mommy"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sick of the camera

Luke that is. He ducks, runs, or just gets as goofy as can be when I try and take any pictures of him anymore. Case in point:

Lovely, huh? Drew on the other hand is a ham for the camera. He says "ceeeesee" (cheese) whenever he sees it. Thank goodness one of my boys will induldge me. :)
And this is a picture I took awhile ago of Jett. It is really silly but dang, look at those blue eyes!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Silly little rabbit

Drew found the bunny ears tonight. And he walked around the house all night like this...

And thought he was just too funny..... :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer's over.... :(

We are officially back to work tomorrow. We have had an amazing summer and enjoyed every moment with our, onto football season!
Ok, how sweet is this? Sharing a big ol piece of watermelon.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Drew really knows how to push Luke's buttons (well, so does Jett.....I guess his buttons are easy). Drew will snag his blanket, steal his drink or just torture him anyway possible (isn't it suppose to be the other way around??) Luke is a very good big brother because besides the scream(S!) of frustration, he will do little else about it. So, here is Drew, doing his "happy" dance all over his brother's artwork. The thing is, Drew giggles the entire time. Oh boy.......poor Luke. :)
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Art of (Luke's) Compromise

It can sometimes be a small battle for Luke to eat. Anything. He is just too busy to sit and take the time to eat. Of course, if it is "goldfish, ralioli (ravioli), grilled "sanmwich", eggos, railoli again, ralioli some more, and ralioli again" he will eat it. (Ok, I just asked him what his favorite things to eat are and that is word-for-word what he just said.....hmmm, we rarely eat "ralioli". Bizarre. Anyway :) we have really been trying to make him try other things and not be so picky. Here is our attempt to have him eat steak.......

He honestly looked like he was about to ralph. Big time.
And here he is asking if he can take 3 bites and be done. Everything is a compromise in our house.....and it always has a theme of 3 in Luke's world. He repeatedly asks for 3 books at bedtime, 3 more minutes of TV, 3 fruit snacks, only 3 minutes in timeout, and obviously to only have to eat 3 more bites.

***And Drew was injury free today. Woot woot!! The lip still looks beyond nasty but he is a trooper and it hasn't even fazed him. Here he is (prior to "the fall")....I am sure I am biased, but damn. so. dang. cute. ;)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Anybody have a leash??? Or a bubble??

Poor Miss Sarah. Seriously, she has to be traumatized. Today was Drew and Luke's first day back to Miss Sarah's house. I warned Sarah that Drew had officially turned into a monkey. Well.......she saw it for herself. Drew took a nasty tumble off of a chair and bit through his lip. Yes, it looks like he went all the way through. The thing is, I bet if she would have put him down right after this little incident, he would have gone straight for the chair, bloody lip and all. So, the poor little guy has the fattest lip ever. The good news was that he didn't need stitches, I think that would have tramatized ME! I don't know what we are going to do with him. Boy in the bubble?? Small cage??
This was in the bath tonight. Of course, happy as a clam. Although his dinner was a chocolate milkshake so he could have been on a sugar high. I was too worried about him eating anything. Doesn't look bad from this angle does it??
In this picture you can see the little teeth marks. The inside looks way worse. But hey, don't girls think scars are hot? ;)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Never gonna happen....

We attended a fabulous BBQ at the Johnson's house tonight. It was a great way to end our summer. Everytime we get all the kids together we attempt, but can never, ever get a group shot. Here was our best attempt tonight. Boo.
Keiley, Colt, Drew, Luke, Drake, Braden and Jett
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Ollie Dive

Luke has a new friend. Meet "Ollie Dive" a colored-all-over-naked-baby that has been Luke's constant companion for the past day or two. I am not quite sure where he came up with the name Ollie Dive....and he is not quite as gentle as you he should be with his "baby." Poor Ollie Dive has been rocketed across the living room, thrown down the slide and left out in the cold tent.
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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Last update of the night

And they are inside. :)

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Camping, Daddy and Luke style

So, as I mentioned below, camping has been a huge dream of John's.....I have no idea why. :) So, as I sit here (in a nice warm, comfortable house) they are outside on the cold, ground. Hmmm....I am not quite sure they are going to make it all night long. We will see!
Here they are putting the tent together.
Luke thought he needed to take a closer look.
And even closer. Guess it was a pretty complex tent. ;)
I love that John included Luke in every part of the process. And Luke took his jobs very seriously. (**Look at Drew in the background. Yes, he was climbing to the top of the slide. And yes, he made it every single time.)
After tent building and a hot dog dinner, it was time to roast marshmellows and make smores. I think this had to be Luke's favorite part.
Yummy, yummy, yummy.
After this bite, my little type A personality had to go directly inside to wash his hands AND face. He had Daddy finish the rest. He said he didn't like being so "gooey"
Now, Drew and I are the smart ones. We are taking no part of this madness...... :)