Saturday, October 20, 2012

Another year, another season of Bronco football

Here we go again! Bronco football time!  This year it is a title defense (and being ranked 14th in the COUNTRY!) Go Broncos!

Drew has been waiting for this day.  

We also had our very own cheerleader to add to the mix this year....

(and a little girl who quickly learned the universal sign for TOUCHDOWN!

umm...why does he look 15?! 

This little girl is a true Files.....she already has the word "bootball" down pat!

and I love her.

Nick, Drew's true love...

After the game Drew always wants to find Nick to say hi.  Well, Nick is the star quarterback.  Yet he ALWAYS, ALWAYS takes time to talk to his biggest fan.

and after the big, televised game, he stopped everything to talk to his buddy.

Love this picture!!  He adores him!

Nick the classiest kid around....he always takes time for Drew, gets a 4.0 GPA, is a star basketball player...I mean, what do I need to do to get my boys to turn out like that?!  

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