Tuesday, June 15, 2010

momo and papa’s ALWAYS an adventure :)

So, we went to Momo and Papa’s the other night to celebrate Rin Rin’s birthday.  We figured we could hang out, have some pizza, cake, you know typical family birthday celebration.  Well……she didn’t really get the party of her dreams.  Lets just say they had a few problems at the house.  Problems with the septic.  Need I say more?


Little Lulu loves her Momo.  She does do this weird collapse thing on her whenever Momo holds her though.  We think Momo sweats tryptophan…or whatever that stuff is that is in turkeys that makes you sleepy on Thanksgiving.

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Yeah, but the feeling is pretty mutual :)  Although why Momo was laughing…..

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This is what Papa thought of the septic issues.  Not pleased. Nope, not pleased at all.

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Nasty on SO many levels.6-6 027

The boys, trying to solve the problem6-6 036

oh but wait….look what Uncle Sean found!6-6 038

you would have thought he found gold.6-6 042

Luke wanted to hold the lizard so bad.  Luckily he had the glove as a good barricade :)6-6 045

Raquel is over all this boy stuff…she is ready for middle school.  oh, and the new Twilight movie to come out.  But how in the heck did she get this old already?

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I swear she was JUST this little yesterday…..and looked (and acted) a lot like Lila :)6-6 031

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