Tuesday, June 10, 2008

11 months (already!)

Our little boy is going to be 11 months old on Thursday. I can't believe it....the fastest 11 months of our lives. He is officially a walker. He has been walking everywhere. He also continues to climb on anything he can get his pudgy little feet on. He has started to say a few words (and a few baby signs). He can say Dada (which has to be his favorite word), Jrew (Drew), Ma (mama), and no. John swears he has heard him say "up" but I haven't heard that one yet.

I don't know what I love more.....the gut or the lip. Too. freaking. cute. :)

and just for fun, a picture of Luke at 11 months.


Hug House said...

uh-oh sounds like you have another talker on your hands :). He's such a cutie!

Evelyn said...

Awwww! I love him! And I love Baby Luke=) That Curious George outfit is to die for;) Ben would LOVE it.