Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lazy Days

We are officially on vacation mode. Well, I wish our boys would realize that and know that sleeping in is the *best* part of summer. Nope, Drew is a 4am'er and Luke isn't far behind. Someday we will catch up on sleep, right?

Our Operation Big Boy has been a complete success. I know, I know, I shouldn't jinx it too early but we are on day 5 of no accidents (day or night). He is so proud of himself (and we are too!) he tells anyone, ANYONE, that will listen about being a big boy. Since the whole potty training has been a big topic in our house, Drew got in on the action by thumbing through the oldie, but goodie "Everybody Poops". Lovely book. It is so obvious that I live in a household of boys. (and for the record, that outfit is completely Daddy's doing).

This is how we often find Drew. Except, he has no idea how to get down. He just starts to yell for one of us. But he is damn happy when he gets up there :)
Along with the potty training, we are working on teaching Luke some responsibility and he is taking part in some household duties. Here he is...dusting, or swinging it around like a sword at his brother. And he does wear shorts, he just loves showing off those "chonies"
His wife is going to be so happy someday......... (and the best part is that these are not posed, he took his job very seriously)
and enjoying the outdoors...well, we have shorts for this one but no shirt. boys....

there is that face again!!

1 comment:

Braden Matthew Johnson said...

Braden is so bummed he is missing out on hanging with Luke and Drew over the summer. He wants the boys to come swimming at our house though....I'll let you know a day I can ditch work early for a swim party. Love all the pics of the boys. They are just too darling!!