Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another day, another Disney trip


For Luke’s birthday we had promised a Disney trip but with Drew getting sick, it got postponed.  We finally made it up there a few Fridays ago.  He was amped.  I think he wrote about it every. single. day in his journal. 


Best friends (and there is nothing better)IMG_2582

My Drew.


We started off in California Adventures to see a Pixar parade. IMG_2586

…and a popcorn snack….IMG_2589

Rin Rin and crew decided to join us and of course, Lila was our entertainment.  :)IMG_2593


It wasn’t really a parade but more of a show, that Luke got chosen for.  Almost, but not quite, as big of a deal as being in the Jedi show.  Oh, and since he had been dreaming about this trip all week, he had also made a sign to hold up in case we went to the Star Wars show again.  The sign said, “This is my bruther” with an arrow pointing.  Not sure that would help him get picked but it was cute :)






The little crewIMG_2625

Off to check out the Soaring ride, Luke’s FAVORITE ride of all time.  IMG_2632

Little Lila and Uncle JohnIMG_2638


Drew and Ruby, sharing some snacksIMG_2650

Don’t ask because I have no ideaIMG_2655

A ride favoriteIMG_2657

Love, love, love.IMG_2662

Momo and Ruby….who obviously loves her :)IMG_2665

and a Disneyland first….the kids in a row by themselves…IMG_2669

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