Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Mommy’s Day


We have had a crazy last couple of weeks.  We haven’t gotten to Luke’s birthday post because poor Drew was so, so sick.  In fact, Luke’s actual birthday was spent at Ethan’s (which he LOVED) because we had to take Drew to the hospital.  I missed all week of work but came on Friday just for the kinder mothers day show.  It was so worth it! 

Luke is in the top row with the moving hands…


All the kinders…IMG_2544

Picture (taken by Momo) of me and my boy.  I loved him more this week and how understanding he was more than ever.  IMG_2548

Sharing his gifts with me….IMG_2550

There are no words……IMG_2555

He makes me so happy and there is nothing better than that.  Nothing.IMG_2556

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