Saturday, July 16, 2011

A little mini Disney vacation

Our passes were going to be blocked out for July and August so we decided to take one more trip for the summer.  The boys goal was to stay till midnight since we were staying overnight.  This momma didn’t think that was going to happen… :)

 But this boy did!IMG_4271

He is so happy IMG_4273

Drew is too but you can’t tell by this face :)IMG_4274

John is when he gets a monster in :)IMG_4275

We started at California Adventures and hit up some things we have never done.IMG_4276

Like the Adventure course.  Oh and a little fyi… almost 9 month pregnant woman should NOT try and climb a rope course.  Bad mistake and so not pretty :)IMG_4277





We are in line for Little Mermaid and little Drew is always scared of new rides.  Always.  And then every. single. time. we get off he tells me that I was right and it wasn’t scary…and that he loved it.  IMG_4288

But there is no convincing him ahead of time….IMG_4289



We hit up the swings and at first Luke wanted to ride in the tandem swing with John.  I kept trying to tell him how much he would love it by himself because the dude loves, LOVES to swing.  As soon as we got off, he ran right back up the stairs and wanted to go again, by himself.  Of course. :)IMG_4293


Drew was content to wait off the second go round…IMG_4296




He loved this ride.  Loved it.IMG_4301

For the record, we stayed well past midnight.  Luke had been begging to go on the new Star Tours.  On our way out of the park we passed it and it said it was a 75 minute wait….the shortest we had seen.  So, even though it was 10, I told John to take Luke and Drew and I would chill on a bench.  So….10:00 with a 75 minute wait, I thought we would be outta there by 11:30.  12:30 rolled around and they still weren’t off.  We finally headed out at about 1AM.  But for the record, Luke said it was sooo worth it :)) 

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