Sunday, August 24, 2008

Family Day

John has been super busy with football lately, so we decided to make Sunday our family day. I had the (not so) brillant idea to go walk around Old Town Temecula. We learned very quickly that it was way too hot for this little outing. :( Maybe next time!
This is how Luke tried to leave the house, Bob the Builder glasses and all. We quickly vetoed that idea.
The biggest hit of the day was the .50 cent pinwheels.

Poor Drew, right after I put sunscreen on him, he proceeded to rub some in his eyes. He had watery, red eyes the rest of the day.
But it was nothing that a chocolate shake couldn't cure! He love, love, loved this shake. In fact, he wouldn't even look me in the eyes...probably in fear that this drink would be taken out of his hot little hands!
Trying to get a picture of the two of them not easy.
Luke moved around to the other side and Drew screamed....he got way to close to the shake.

Our next adventure will need to be some place a bit cooler.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Drew's poor eyes! :( I so know that scream when siblings get too close to something they love. Abigail has that mastered.